But on Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day after, I tried to spend as much time as possible with family. Christmas Eve, we pretty much relaxed and watched some tv. (Not a complaint...relaxing, especially with family, is one of my favorite past-times!) Christmas Day was a lot of fun. My family, between them, got me an iPod, speakers for my iPod, and a car charger, although Grandma didn't know what it was for! It really surprised me, since I didn't ask for anything. I've played with that thing since I got it. The only time I'm not messing with it is when I'm at work, or when Kacey has her iPod in my car.
Christmas morning is always special to me just because it's a chance to be with my family. I hate getting gifts, though I'm working on being better at receiving them, but I enjoy giving them. And that's kinda funny because I'm usually very poor at buying gifts for people. I never know what to get them. This year, though, I knew exactly what I wanted to get Lesli & Ryan and what I wanted to get Sydney, which was nice. But I had no idea what to get Mom or Dad. Luckily, when I mentioned that to Mom, she told me flat out what to get her. "Pajamas." My response was, "Wow, that was easy. Why didn't I do that 3 weeks ago!" She also helped me figure out what to get Dad. Good job Mom! And Lesli helped with my present for G-ma, so thanks to her too!
On Wednesday, the Day after Christmas, I went down to Jackson, TN to visit with my uncle, aunt, and cousins. It was a lot of fun spending the day with them, partly because I never know how much I'll get to see them, especially my cousin Leah and her husband, Drew, since they live in Wake Forest, NC...not exactly down the road! Once again, it was just fun relaxing and spending time with family, especially since these are the cousins that I grew up with knowing the most, although Brett couldn't be there. (I never remember if he has one "t" or two "t's" in his name...oh well, I think that's right.) And Sydney was really interested in Leah's son, Boone, who's still a 7-month old baby...I think. Oh, and the picture I took on the right is my favorite from there with Sydney, cousin Rebekah, and Lesli. I'm surprised I took it and not Ryan! HAHA! And thanks to Lesli handing me down her camera, I was able to take all of these pictures! YAY!
Two days after Jackson, I hit the road to Minnesota
Probably the most fun night was New Year's Eve. We went over to someone's house from the Woodbury church. The main focus of the night was Nintendo Wii. If you don't know what that is, it's the video game system that makes you do stuff, like move your hands to drive/fly or swing the remote to swing the golf club in the Tiger Woods video game. Or, you can play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), which I never play, but did that night. Here are some pictures from that night:
Great Picture of Billy!!
After leaving Minnesota January 2, I drove down to Paducah to stay the night, before getting up the next morning and driving back down to Nashville to start back work. And that's where the next post will start. Vacation was awesome!
I was thankful to get to see you so much!! Thanks for a great Christmas! Love ya!
Now it's your turn!
Haha...I love that Sara is harassing YOU now...
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